It's takes a -- how do you say? -- special type of person to get all jazzed about an 18-inch laptop, but given that there's a solid chance you're one of those folks, we figured it prudent to pass along PC World's review of HP's beastly HDX18. Obviously designed with multimedia in mind and to possibly take the place of your desktop, this sucker performed satisfactorily in all the basic, everyday tasks as well as those media playing duties. It's not meant for hardcore gamers, but you probably already knew that. Amazingly, the included battery lasted nearly three hours before petering out, which is pretty astounding for an 8.9-pound energy destroyer. At the end of the day, critics found enough to love to slap down a 90 out of 100 rating, noting that anyone crazy enough to want a "laptop" this big (save for FPS freaks) would likely find lots to love. In more ways than one.
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